Travellers' Code

Please read this carefully before making your workshop booking – here is the travellers’ code for participation in these journeys. We ask you to commit to this undertaking before stepping onto the trail. Completion of your booking implies your full agreement with this code. Thank you.

  • We have a code of behaviour anchored in THE SISTER BLANKET which may be viewed here. Our charter of womankindness sets out the principles of sisterhood, compassion and mutual respect that apply to all our online circles and in-person gatherings. These principles also apply during the period of your participation in terms of wider social network interactions – while you are travelling this journey, please be mindful of causing no harm in words or actions towards your fellow-humans and all beings. Our code of sisterhood also applies to any online or in person meetings that are arranged privately between trail travellers for the purpose of mutually supporting and inspiring their journeys.
  • The programme is designed to follow the sequence of thirteen moons: the DAWEYO JOURNEY to be completed before entering the LAGYÂNO JOURNEY, which in turn needs to be fully travelled before moving into the SOITLÂ JOURNEY. However, for women who have a long and ongoing relationship with the land here and the sister community, it is possible to step directly into a later journey within the online programme. Please contact Carolyn directly if you would like to discuss this further.
  • CANCELLATIONS. When signing up to a SUBSCRIPTION option you are asked to commit to paying the whole cost of your chosen journey. With all FULL PAYMENT options there are no refunds made for components of the journey that you choose not to complete. Please make sure before completing your booking that you are entering a journey that feels right for you. If you have any concerns about what we are providing for your journey once you have begun to travel with it, please contact Carolyn directly.
  • LONG TIME TRAVELLERS. We have refined our support for long-time travellers and now have this structure in place: we have created a small regular subscription (with bursary option) to offer additional support which you are invited to enter after 9 months on the Daweyo trail or 9 months after entering the Lagyâno trail. Details about the Heron’s Wing and the Heron’s Feather may be found at the bottom of the page unlock a journey. When you sign up to all three journeys of the Weaver’s Trail, the Heron’s Wing or Feather will apply after 18 months if you are still travelling with Daweyo or Lagyâno. These extra subscription options do not apply once you have entered your Soitlâ Journey. This additional offering helps with momentum in your trail experience and enables us to keeping supporting you in all aspects of your journey.
  • This online workshop programme is created to support, inspire and deepen each woman’s personal journey. These are ancient and wild ways of sharing women’s collective wisdom and intuitive skills wrapped into a digital form. The Weavers’ Trail does not end with a certificate or franchise; completion of any part of this programme does not imply a qualification to teach, disseminate or otherwise use this work to promote unrelated teaching content or workshop experiences. Please never re-publish any workshop content or post details of course materials onto social media. Every participant is requested to cherish her place on the journey, protect the integrity of this workshop programme and respect the original source of all materials shared during the course of these journeys. We reserve the right to withdraw access to the programme if these criteria are not met.
  • Your participation in this online workshop programme may be used to prepare for and support your application to attend a residential workshop experience guided by Carolyn on Dartmoor. Applications for these workshop journeys require some measure of online participation before they can be considered. Please email Carolyn directly if you would like further guidance about this.
  • This online workshop programme is created for women, guided by women and open to all women. If you are a member of the transgender community, please be aware that a high proportion of the workshop content is drawn from a vessel of deep womb mystery and ancient blood magic, with many references to the physicality of women’s bodies, menstrual blood, birthing, menopause, daughters, mothers, grandmothers, crones, hags, sisterhood, ancestral mother-lines, the female dynamic in nature and the wild landscape in women’s form. Please enter these workshop journeys only if you are able to fully honour and work with these core themes.

We thank you for reading and honouring these undertakings.