18. Sweet Mother Ocean (prayer)
SWEET MOTHER OCEAN This small prayer was written very early on in my song years but it has travelled out on distant waves. It became a hymn sung by a choir of pregnant women beside the Mediterranean to honour the ocean in their bellies; it remains a lullaby to the mystery of our own fertile […]
28. Lagyâno Route (prayer)
LAGYÂNO ROUTE We began our lagyâno journey at the wild horse shrine. We have since travelled around the ritual landscape to reach the arc of sacred stones, which leads us from the open marshes into an ancient reeded meadow edged by the river, then back towards the woods where oak and birch, hazel and holly […]
23. There’s Always a Reason to Dance (prayer)
THERE’S ALWAYS A REASON TO DANCE Jagged and precious irregular pieces of lifetattered and beautifully intricate moments of lifedance at the edges remembering patterns of landdance in the middle revealing the patterns of landmaking things happen with every step of the danceunwinding the magic with every turn of the dance With tooth and bone and […]
1. We Are the Spirits (prayer)
WE ARE THE SPIRITS We are the stream and the cup that is filledwe are the bleeding and we are the bloodwe are the women who cry on the rockwe are the girls who grow wise in the sunwe are the moon as she rises to fullwe are the sisters who sing in the southwe […]
30. Cold Skin and Frosted Songs (prayer)
COLD SKIN AND FROSTED SONGS Winter is the beloved time of women who relish cold skin and frosted songs. The landscape is peeled back to its bones, and all the tracks and paths that wind through it are laid bare. Each traveller’s soul is mirrored in every pond and puddle, and the veils of autumn […]
1. Let Us Keep Our Song Rivers Flowing (prayer)
LET US KEEP OUR SONG RIVERS FLOWING We have emerged from wild waters carrying the song of rivers and oceans deep within our veins. We feel the resonance of this watery spirit pulsing in our watery bodies; it connects us to all the Earth. We open our voices and sing. Our wild songs spill from […]