22. Cold Story (sixth loom stone)

COLD STORY (sixth loom stone) Ren said that the cold story must be told. She said we should go to the lake and stand there until we heard the cold story coming, and when it did, we must reach out. She said we should hold on to that cold story as if our lives depended […]

8. Songs for a Purposeful Path (second loom stone)

SONGS FOR A PURPOSEFUL PATH (second loom stone) THIS IS OUR CLAN Intention is declaration. Intention is belonging. Intention is feeling connected. Intention is claiming what is ours. Intention is trusting what we know to be true. (We met this song in the previous moon but here it is again!) Where our foremothers have laid […]

4. Revelation (first loom stone)

REVELATION (first loom stone) Our first loom stone is set down beside the first tree in the dreaming house. This place of revelation, GLANNDEYO, is where we begin to see what still waits to be found within the mystery of this bone dreamer’s journey. There is wisdom here, deep magic and intuitive understanding, subtle insights […]

6. The Hagetty Drum (first loom stone)

THE HAGETTY DRUM (first loom stone This song is joyous; it is contradictory and beautifully so. It is a celebration of a haggish perception of life, where what seems to be dense cloud and tangle is, in truth, intuitively wise, clear and free. If, in your life, you have not yet danced alone with a […]

7. Intention (second loom stone)

INTENTION (second loom stone) A prayer that is woven, or a song that is braided, or a tale that is spun, or a tool that is crafted: all of these serve well to catch our intention (MOLYEYO which also translates as prayer or invocation) hone our imagining and anchor our vision to earth. Sometimes it […]

9. The Journeys That We Create (second loom stone)

THE JOURNEYS THAT WE CREATE (second loom stone) Perhaps we do not always understand the journeys that we create, the symbols that we dream or the words that we speak. Perhaps this is one of the most humbling and exciting aspects of the journey, for we cannot ever truly rest resolved. There is always another […]